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Peter Herweg


Peter started his working  career in 1991 and has not looked back. His passion for people and the need for people to understand the fundamental basics of trust and open dialogue is what motivates him.

Being part of Shelby Enterprises was a dream come true for Peter and having a team of colleagues that are experienced in their field has made his role as CEO an easy role to fulfil. Peter is of the opinion that people can flourish given the right tools and the freedom to make choices based on the company philosophy of honesty and making the customer our number one priority.

The people that are employed by Shelby Enterprises are part of a bigger Shelby family and the business is run like this. We are one team and the team is one that respects the values and ethics of the industry.

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Erica Gibbons


32 years of physical security and forensic knowledge within the banking industry. Erica also sits as treasurer to ASIS South Africa Chapter 155  Erica  lives in Johannesburg, South Africa and operates as a senior partner in Hatari Advisory an enterprise security risk management space as well as a partner of the NGO the Bathabile. Erica has international experience as she has assisted the USSS in regards to syndicated crime projects and attended conferences in the USA. Erica has also has worked with the SAPS in regards to cases as well as the Business Against Crime at the Hillbrow Police station.

Her affiliations are:

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Sarel Korf


Sarel was a member of the SAPS for 10 years as part of the uniform branch at Johannesburg Central Police station. He joined the Johannesburg Dog Unit and became an explosives Dog Handler. Sarel Joined Sun International and was appointed as the Investigations Manager at Carnival City Casino. During his tenure at Sun International he was involved in the Investigation and successful prosecutions of various casino scams as well as Risk Assessments and Security Audits. Sarel Was involved in various high level investigations throughout Sun International.

Sarel joined the Banking industry and gained experience in the investigation of various banking matters during his time in the industry.

His knowledge spans the following:

Sarel has a network that includes Investigating Officers in the SAPS, Senior State Prosecutors and contacts in the Security Industry.

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Gerhard Junius



Over the years I have been self-taught in the arts of selling and new business development to be able to thrive in most industries that I come across. Ranging from different industries I was able to develop various business strategies as well as understanding how to appeal to the company I would be doing business with. The experience over the years dealing directly with the Executives has given me insight on what matters when selling an idea and a solution keeping the best interest of the company at heart.

As a person I perform a lot of fitness activities and I try to enjoy as much time with my family as I can. In my spare time I further my knowledge by reading or studying online so that I can always learn something that could benefit me and the company.


Specialized Project Management Specialization – University of California, Irvine

Career Success Specialization – University of California, Irvine

Global Supply Chain Management – University of New Jersey, Rutgers
