OPERATING HOURS: Mon – Fri 08h00 – 17H00
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Phone Number

011 425 1001

Office Address

Benoni Ekurhuleni Gauteng

Shelby Forensics Investigation Enterprises forensics investigations identify fraud threat risk assessment white collar crime polygraph lie detector business corruption fraudulent organisation prosecution vulnerabilities audits security measures corporate procedures assets truth verification vetting employment screening social media forensics evidence Business Due Diligence crisis management Services Resilience workplace preparedness plan toolkit template employee vulnerability internal disciplinary hearings civil cases CCMA banking ombudsman arbitration insider Money Laundering ACAMS ACFE ASIS ICFP

Forensic Investigations

Shelby Enterprises

Forensic Investigations

Shelby Enterprises(PTY)LTD is a privately owned, independent company that strives to aid in the fight against crime in South Africa and abroad, with a special focus on Fraud and Corruption investigations in the corporate environment.

Shelby Enterprises(PTY)LTD has a team with more than 50 years’ experience in the prevention, investigation and detection of fraud, corruption and other crimes.

The company and the investigators pride themselves in being professional, being thorough, and ensuring good governance in accordance to the South African legislation, the International Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) of which we are an international member meaning you have the right team to aid you in your time of critical need.
